History of Cotati Speedway

In 1920, a builder named Jack Price created excitement when he convinced racing enthusiasts all over the North Bay that he could build a world-class auto speedway. He succeeded on 135 acres on East Cotati Avenue near the railroad tracks and dubbed it the Cotati Speedway. The all-wood, bowl shaped track was 1.25 miles around and required more than 3 million feet of lumber and gave drivers a place to run record-breaking races. Wildly popular, its first race was Aug. 14, 1921 with all 10,000 seats filled. Sadly, cold, rainy weather and traffic congestion to get to the track caused its failure after only two years. The speedway was dismantled and wood from it went to build homes and businesses in the area.

And did you know: The floor of the Redwood Café in downtown Cotati was built with the wood from the Cotati Speedway track.

To learn more the Cotati Speedway and other points of interest in Cotati, refer to the book “(Images of America) Cotati,” available at the Cotati Historical Society and Museum.